The role of women in manufacturing

The role of women in manufacturing - SYSPRO ERP Software

Reading Time: 8 minutesA segment of the workforce that will help close the skills gap and talent shortage in manufacturing are women. Women pursuing careers in STEM and specifically manufacturing are imperative to the economic growth we desire and expect. A manufacturing report done by Deloitte looking at the foundation for America’s success indicates that of the top drivers of … Read more

4 Steps to a successful supply chain automation

4 Steps to a successful supply chain automation

Reading Time: 3 minutesSupply chain automation is the use of digital technologies to improve efficiencies, connect applications and streamline processes within supply chain operations. It usually incorporates intelligent technologies such as Digital Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. If your factory is the heart of your organization, then your supply chain is the veins and arteries. Your operational … Read more

The challenge for manufacturers of cloud sovereignty

The challenge for manufacturers of cloud sovereignty - syspro erp software

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt was not that long ago that the concept of data and system ownership was a nonissue. Most organizations ran everything on their own internal systems. Today things are different. Propelled by the COVID pandemic, the proliferation of cloud infrastructure with on-demand services, software, storage, and computing, has raised a new issue — cloud sovereignty. … Read more

What is vertical integration and why is it a growing trend amongst manufacturers?

What is vertical integration and why is it a growing trend amongst manufacturers - syspro erp software

Reading Time: 4 minutesSupply chain issues brought on by the pandemic have been particularly challenging for any industry and sector. To overcome these challenges, many manufacturers are bringing their operations closer to home and more literally, under one roof. This is called vertical integration, and it occurs when the supply chain of a company is owned and operated … Read more

The difference between Business Intelligence (BI) and ERP?

The difference between Business Intelligence (BI) and ERP? - SYSPRO ERP Software

Reading Time: 4 minutesHow does Business Intelligence (BI) differ from ERP? ERP systems essentially integrate all the disparate functions within your business and overcome the so-called ‘silo mentality’ by creating a single, centralized data architecture. The ERP software collects, stores and manages data relating to business activities.  The principal output of ERP software is business efficiency and cost-savings. BI … Read more

6 Crucial steps to starting your digitalization Process

6 Crucial Steps to Starting your Digitalization Process

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe pace of technological change has been accelerating in recent years to the extent that it now impacts a wider range of people throughout an organization. These potentially disruptive changes have moved from an infrequent inconvenience to a consistent stream of change that is redefining markets and entire industries. In the era of Industry 4.0, … Read more