
Picture of JP van Loggerenberg

JP van Loggerenberg

Within his role as the Chief Services and Technology Officer at SYSPRO, JP believes in leveraging innovation to promote an enjoyable user experience, and has been instrumental in standardizing and rationalizing the processes and systems within SYSPRO. JP’s extensive exposure to strategic planning, business process re-engineering, and in Information Technology infrastructure has allowed him to construct a Services Practice within the SYSPRO business with a focus on several key areas, namely Information Technology, Consulting and Support. Through the provision of unified systems, the adoption of best Information Technology practices, governance and the continual driving of service excellence, JP has empowered both SYSPRO and its partners.

Posts by JP van Loggerenberg

Managing-Operating ERPERP systems

Steps to guard your ERP system against possible risks

Reading Time: 4 minutes The digital pandemic is upon us. Over the past few months, a number of critical businesses have faced cyber-attacks. Earlier …

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Cloud ERPCloud computing

Trust and Moving to the Cloud

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Coronavirus pandemic caused people to take notice of what technology could do. The IDC has reported that over 65% …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Lean Manufacturing

Rebooting the Business in 2020 – The CIO Perspective

Reading Time: 8 minutes As a technology executive, you have probably undertaken two digital transformations in 2020 already. Using technology to convert employees to …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

The Role of CIOs in Technology Decisions for the ‘Next Normal’

Reading Time: 5 minutes There was an era when CIOs had to push hard to get new technology understood and accepted. Now the adoption …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

The Levels of Digital Maturity for Your Company

Reading Time: 4 minutes Does digital transformation require radical re-thinking? For traditional companies, the prospect of a complete digital overhaul has left many businesses …

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WhatWhat_Leaders_Need_to_Consider_before_Implementing_ERP Leaders Need to Consider before Implementing ERP
ERP ImplementationBusiness software

What Leaders Need to Consider before Implementing ERP

Reading Time: 5 minutes This year, the pandemic has really emphasized and accentuated the need for companies to critically look at business operations. Technology …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Digitization

Venture Bravely into the New Normal with Digital Readiness as Your Shield

Reading Time: 6 minutes Fortune favors the brave. Over the last few months, businesses have needed to venture bravely into a ‘new normal’. While this transition …

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Cloud ERPERP and Lean Manufacturing

Deploying your Manufacturing ERP: in the Cloud or On-premise

Reading Time: 6 minutes When it comes to business transformation and digitalization, the term “cloud-first” is seen as a key enabler for businesses that …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Data

Making Governance and Compliance Part of the Manufacturing Process

Reading Time: 4 minutes The week of 17-23 November was Fraud Awareness Week (, and this makes it an appropriate time to highlight key issues around manufacturing governance …

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