
Picture of Kevin Dherman

Kevin Dherman

Kevin is the Chief Innovation Officer at SYSPRO Corporate. A technology strategist at heart, Kevin is an expert on the tech trends impacting the ERP industry, the rise of robotics, and the impact of AI and IOT on manufacturing and distribution. Kevin has been with SYSPRO since 1999 and has been the driving force behind the company’s emerging technology strategy. He has been critical to the development of the Industry 4.0 capabilities in SYSPRO’s latest ERP release.

Posts by Kevin Dherman

ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

Predictive Analytics Uses the Past to Predict the Future for ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes Gartner analyst, Neil Chandler, recently discussed the Disruptive Nature of Analytics at the 2015 Gartner Symposium in Cape Town. The …

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Cloud ERPSelecting ERP

Cloud for ERP has come of age

Reading Time: 2 minutes Three years ago the cloud was an immature offering and incomplete. Its voice was high pitched and it had acne. …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

Productive ERP development…only a cup away from taking over the world

Reading Time: 3 minutes We have a philosophy at SYSPRO that precludes innovation simply for the sake of innovation. There is an organizational commitment …

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Cloud not ready for ERP in manufacturing
ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Cloud not ready for ERP in manufacturing

Reading Time: 2 minutes While cloud computing is one of the latest trends in the IT industry, the delivery of computing and storage capacity …

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