
Supply Chain Management and ERP

Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Africa, ERP and the Key to Global Food Security

Reading Time: 4 minutes As population numbers continue to rise and pressure continues to mount for global food production, the world is looking to …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Taking the little guy into the complex supply chain

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s encouraging to see we are entering an era in which everyone, no matter how small their business, is able …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Three signs your business needs an ERP system

Reading Time: 4 minutes Last week, I ordered a birthday present online for a dear friend from my favorite chocolate store. The shop’s unique …

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The easy way out
Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

The easy way out

Reading Time: 3 minutes Human beings are strange creatures in many ways. One of the habits we all have is a tendency to avoid …

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unit of measure use case
Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Whatever unit works for you

Reading Time: 3 minutes Many businesses have to deal with the problem of buying product in one unit and selling it in another. It’s …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Innovative or Customer Centric?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Developing ERP software is a tricky business, especially if the software is not being developed for any specific customer but …

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Time for a Spring Clean
Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Time for a Spring Clean?

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s springtime again and my favourite time of year, Christmas is now a distant memory and seeing the parks and …

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global distribution
ERP for ManufacturingSupply Chain Management and ERP

ERP resolving the challenges of distribution

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this digital age the distribution model for businesses is being transformed, bringing with it a change in both consumer …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP systems

Leveraging Your ERP System to Manage Materials, Costs and Cash Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutes Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century, but few of us know that not only …

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