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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP Implementation

SAPICS 2016 Offers Sugar and Spice

Reading Time: 3 minutes The second day at SAPICS 2016 started for me with a …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP Implementation

Streamlining Your Company with ERP

Reading Time: 4 minutes Streamlining isn’t just for planes, trains and automobiles. It’s also a …

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Applying and Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

Keeping Business Solutions Innovation Simple

Reading Time: 3 minutes Why shouldn’t you let a Pokémon shower with you? It might …

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Services and Support for ERPEducation

GLOBAL TALK – Knowledge is Power

Reading Time: 3 minutes Experts in every field know the value of trade magazines and …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPManaging inventory with ERP

Food Safety is Critical for Your ERP System

Reading Time: 3 minutes Aligning food safety strategy and ERP implementation is critical for manufacturers …

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Applying and Operating ERPERP Implementation

ERP: From Functionality to Value in a Single Bound

Reading Time: 5 minutes In this age of Industry-four-point-whatever, the stuff of interthings, customizable screens …

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Services and Support for ERPEducation

Mobile ERP Gets Smarter

Reading Time: 2 minutes A few years ago, if one said the word “drone” most …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPManaging inventory with ERP

How ERP Meets the Challenge of Uncertainty

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is no doubt that, globally, these are uncertain times.  From …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPSelecting ERP

Opening Impressions of SAPICS 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes Back in the 1980s SAPICS delegates gathered at the trendy Elangeni …

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