
ERP and Digitization

ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

Consumers are Driving the Demand for Digital Manufacturing through Customization

Reading Time: 3 minutes With a focus on smart factories and digital manufacturing, Canadian Manufacturers must change their business model (including manufacturing processes from …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Analytics

Using Technology to Create Manufacturing-data Storytelling

Reading Time: 4 minutes I have always been fascinated by User Experience (UX), which is why I was delighted to attend a recent talk …

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ERP for DistributionBusiness software

Distribution Services Set for Exceptional Growth with Automation

Reading Time: 6 minutes In today’s global village, the demand for distribution services is escalating rapidly due to the increasing complexity of supply chain …

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ERP EducationEducation

Adaptive Learning – Using AI to Enhance the Learning Experience

Reading Time: 3 minutes I told my team a few weeks ago that I have started learning Arabic. There were a few raised eye-brows …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

5 Ways Automation can save Africa’s Manufacturing Industry

Reading Time: 4 minutes With an abundance of raw materials and resources, Africa needs to rapidly find new ways to generate greater value from …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Analytics

Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing – the Power and the Risk Mitigation- Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutes As a Chief Financial Officer specializing in manufacturing, I enjoy working to mitigate a wide variety of risks. Mitigating risk …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

How Humans with Technology will Shape Future FMCG Supply Chains

Reading Time: 4 minutes We’re all linked to FMCG supply chains, be it through work, a customer relationship or simply driving demand through our …

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It’s personal -how meeting specific user needs is driving change in ERP
ERP UpgradesBusiness software

It’s Personal – How Meeting Specific User Needs is Driving Change in ERP

Reading Time: 4 minutes A productive workforce is a varied one, encompassing an array of different ages, backgrounds, and personalities. Sometimes that can lead …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Digitization

The Importance of Manufacturing in Every Country

Reading Time: 4 minutes Manufacturing remains a critical force for both developed and developing countries, however, its role is changing and could play an …

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