
ERP Implementation

Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Technology

How Traceability can Improve Customer Satisfaction

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recalls are expensive and often extremely damaging to not only the brands involved but the producers and manufacturers. Customer satisfaction …

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Kaizen, Kaikaku, Gambatte – Three useful concepts to consider when implementing ERP
ERP ImplementationERP Implementation

Kaizen, Kaikaku, Gambatte – 3 Useful Concepts to Consider when Implementing ERP

Reading Time: 8 minutes Before considering an ERP implementation, let’s take a look at three very useful concepts that need to be factored upfront: 

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Cloud ERPERP and Lean Manufacturing

Deploying your Manufacturing ERP: in the Cloud or On-premise

Reading Time: 6 minutes When it comes to business transformation and digitalization, the term “cloud-first” is seen as a key enabler for businesses that …

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ERP UpgradesERP and Data

How to Adapt to Current Workforce Trends

Reading Time: 4 minutes There has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the supposedly differing attitudes to work found in each generation. What …

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Using ERP to Converge IT Systems and Operational Technology
ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

How to Use ERP to Converge IT Systems and Operational Technology

Reading Time: 4 minutes Traditionally, manufacturing companies maintained a clear line between their IT systems and operational technology (OT) – that is, the tools …

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It’s personal -how meeting specific user needs is driving change in ERP
ERP UpgradesBusiness software

It’s Personal – How Meeting Specific User Needs is Driving Change in ERP

Reading Time: 4 minutes A productive workforce is a varied one, encompassing an array of different ages, backgrounds, and personalities. Sometimes that can lead …

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ERP ImplementationBusiness software

How to Make the Right Choice of ERP Implementation Partner

Reading Time: 3 minutes In our ERP world, we get those who manufacture and those who distribute. The ones who make ERP, typically rely …

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User friendly ERP to prevent resistance to change
ERP for ManufacturingERP and Digitization

Overcome the Barriers and Resistance to Change with an Improved UI in ERP

Reading Time: 4 minutes When implementing an ERP system, businesses face a variety of challenges. The system brings innumerable business benefits and yet it …

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ERP UpgradesERP and Technology

Why an ERP Upgrade Shouldn’t Fill You with Fear

Reading Time: 3 minutes I was recently approached by my cell provider to upgrade to the latest and greatest plan that will support the …

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